When I was first introduced to a parallax site I didn’t like it and I simply didn’t enjoy it. The thing about parallax site when overly done is that it would just give headache to your viewers, that’s actually what happened to me when I got the chance to visit a site that has a parallax design. As what they say “too much of everything is bad”, true to that.
What is a Parallax Effect?
To those who don’t know what parallax effect is, let me give you some insights of what I have seen and observed about it. Parallax is derived from the Greek word parallaxis which means “alteration”. This is true to its functionality and design because there are a lot of alterations going on while users scroll down the page.
You can immediately recognize a site that has this kind of feature by just scrolling down the page. It has this cool effect of moving multiple backgrounds and displacement of certain objects in the site, making it immensely interesting for us viewers. Browsing the website has never been fun; it’s like reading a 3D book on it which makes browsing more interesting. That would be the very basic description in identifying a parallax site. Easy, right?
See also: Defining a Word By Just Double Clicking On It
Eye popping Sony Parallax Website Effect
As I have mentioned earlier I was never a fan with parallax websites because it would just make me feel seasick, maybe the developer has overused it. But not when I have seen Sony’s work of art version of their Be Moved page, which integrates technology and engineering. When I have seen and started scrolling down over the page I was very excited and at the same time I was very impressed with their work. It’s like a better version of a slideshow of how Sony has gotten their reputation when it comes to technology and innovations.
The design of how they have put together the objects is simply a mind blowing and breathtakingly creative. The technique that they have shown here is undeniably world class and this goes to show that whatever Sony is creating or inventing the quality of their products would always be at its best. And from that day on I have become a fan of parallax, particularly Sony.
So why not see it for yourself and be ready for a jaw dropping and eye popping parallax website brought to you by Sony. Once that you’ve seen it please do fix your jaw and eyes, this is undeniably a job well done for Sony. Enjoy the show.
A journalist once called us a guinea pig because the results of our experiments were copied by others. It was meant as an insult, but we took it as a compliment. -Sony
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