I am very confident writing helpful tips online without me knowing that there were codes inserted in my posts that shouldn't be there. Some of which could be a result of just simply hitting the Enter key on the keyboard.
I am also a user of WordPress and with that platform I do know that when inputting content or text it is best to use the Text editor compared to the Visual tab. This is to avoid unwanted codes or characters to be inserted in the content. I wasn't fully aware that this could also be applied to Blogger platform, by simply adding up contents without checking the syntax that is being formed at the back end of the editor.
Create your Content using HTML Tab
As a lesson learned from my experience it would be better to use the HTML tab for better output of the content and not having a messed up codes. It is best to use first the HTML tab for inputting the text without applying any styles yet. It would also be easier to identify that the words and characters are being loaded to the editor correctly.
It is less confusing also to the writer or blogger to see the posts without any HTML codes yet being inserted to the post. With that in mind, blogger would be more focus first to the content itself. This is also the great time to review grammar, spellings or spacing before hitting on the Compose Tab.
When to Use the Compose Tab in Blogger
It would be best to use the Compose tab when content is already ready for some styling such as aligning the texts or configuring H tags(header tags) of the content. If there would be unnecessary syntax that is present in the editor it can always be remove or simply search for the meaning or function of that certain chunk of HTML code.
So if you are just starting your blog now and you have been using the Compose tab you might as well check the codes that has been inserted in the content. You might as well clean it up while you don’t have a bunch of posts yet. It is best to have clean and neat posts than disregarding it and could affect the performance of your site. As the saying goes “an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”.
Blogger is such a helpful platform for people who are not experts when it comes to syntaxes or coding such as HTML, just like me. However, we should also be aware at least of the basics to achieve a better blog in the future. And this would also help us to improve our blog not just the content side but also the visual side of our blog.
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