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10 Things YOU Shouldn't Share in Social Networking Sites

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It is very clear nowadays that social media has affected our ways of communication, one way or another. Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter and a lot more. If not everyone but most of us are very hooked up with these social media sites.

And of course we really do enjoy sharing every bit of details about what we eat, where we are, the brand of our clothes and even the names of your friends that you're with. It's like we want to share everything about ourselves, if DNA and fingerprints could just be shared, it might have been branded as trending already.

True indeed that not everyone that we have in our friends list are really our friends personally. And it could be a danger with your security if you would always do share everything in social media.

So what are those things that shouldn't be shared in social networking sites:

1. Don't Share Personal Conversation

There are conversations that are intended to be discussed publicly and there are also conversations that can be done privately. So if you are using facebook and there's an important matter you want to tell to a friend or a lover you don't have to put it in his wall and let other people see it. You might want to use the inbox since it was created for a confidential conversations, it functions like an email so make use of it.

Photo courtesy of Author

2. Don't Share Social Plans or Party

If you are not planning to have a big party then just don't post it in your wall or don't start "tweeting" it. And if you're not inviting all of you friends in your friends list then just don't try to tell everyone and don't start tagging the invited friends, some of your friends might feel less important if you'll do that. And you might invite the uninvited, gatecrashers for example. Just remember that anyone can see your profile.

3. Don't Share Site Links

There's nothing wrong with sharing links, I believe it helps other people get updated to something they might be interested of. But be careful that it won't affect your work profile such as LinkedIn and could affect your reputation. It's better to be safe than sorry.

4. Don't Share Company Information

Then you have been promoted and you are just so ecstatic to tell the world how happy you are, then you share it to facebook then a friend ask about it then you've mentioned about the expansion of your company - which is suppose to be confidential. There you go you've just leaked a very confidential information about your company. So if you've done this just pray that you're boss won't see your post.

5. Don't Share Photos of Your Kids

Social media has been a good place to stalk, if your account has been set to be viewed by the public then take lots of precautions before posting anything. Especially when you are sharing about your children or family's information or photo. This could be a very useful tool to the bad guys that they would start sneaking in your life through your posts. Avoid posting picture of your kids being alone in your house believing that no one would harm them and they are already big enough to take care of themselves. If you'll gonna post it then be sure to put limits to it and just choose those people who you would want to know about it.

6. Never Post Your Complete Detailed Home Address and Phone Number

If you do post it then you are just risking your life. There have been a lot of cases where bad things happen to people because they just post this information in their social media accounts. Again, you don't know everyone personally in your circle of friends in social media. There could be people who are just waiting for the right timing to attack you and then there you go you just hit the share button. Its like hitting the go button for those bad guys.

7. Don't Share Your Personal Finance Information

And there comes money, as they say the root of all evil. You may not able to post this information but you might be able to share a bit of information about it while commenting regarding stocks. What you thought is harmless could be a key to those people who are good in identity thief. It pays off if you would avoid this kind of topics.

8. Never Share Your Password

You might think that this is pretty obvious to everyone. But when you have your trusted friend or boyfriend and you two share password. Then its time to change it. There are things that you should keep as a secret even to your closest friend or even to your lover. Because when the worse comes worst it would be just you who would be stressed-out. Just like sharing a facebook password to your best friend then you just had a big fight. She or he could actually do something with your account such as posting not so good words to your other friend or simply ruining your relationship with your other friends. God forbids that this won't happen to you. So for safety purposes, just keep it for yourself so you wont compromise your information and other things.

Photo Courtesy of Author

9. Don't Share Your Password Hints

Same with your password it would just compromise everything. It might not be a big deal but this could be use by those bad guys and try to solve the puzzle in your account. Just don't give them hint.

10. Don't Share if You Don't want it to be Shared

Simple. Just don't share the things that you would want to keep private. There are settings that you could change so some information would not be accessible to other people. However, there would be some leakage so be sure and confident that whatever you input in your information details won't be used against you.

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